In Australia’s fast changing telecommunications market place it is crucial that you make the most of today’s technology. This includes business landlines, business mobile services and business internet services.By bundling your landline, mobile and internet service with the same company you can make the most cost savings. This way you will usually benefit from maximum savings.Business landline services in Australia can either be carried over standard phone lines, known as PSTN lines. These are traditional standard phone lines. Alternatively an Australian business that may require slightly more advanced telephone services may consider ISDN services. This can either be ISDN2 services where each service has 2 digital channels or ISDN 10 20 30 services. These have either 10, 20 or 30 digital channels.Business mobile phone services in Australia are now becoming more and more popular. There are some great options when combining your landlines and mobiles with the same company. This would usually involve some sort of fleet calls from your landlines to the company mobiles. You can usually also benefit from free calls between mobiles on the same account. Australia has 3 major mobile carriers: Telstra, Optus and Vodafone. During 2010/11 Australia saw the merger of the mobile network Three and Vodafone.Business Internet in Australia is also becoming more and more important in today’s technological working environment. With internet speeds getting faster and faster, ADSL2+ services are now becoming commonplace. It is now important to have a reliable business grade service, which is guaranteed to stay on. A lot of business systems are internet based, and if an internet connection is to get go down then it means that access to these business systems is not possible. This can cost a business time and money. For this reason it is important to choose a business grade internet service.In 2010/11 Australians saw the introduction of the NBN – the National Broadband Network implemented by the government. This is a $43 billion project that will take many years to complete. It see’s fiber to the home being introduced carrying extremely fast internet speeds to homes and businesses.From a business point of view it is also useful to choose a telecommunications provider who specialises in business services. It is also useful to test a service providers customer service. Some Australian providers do outsource their customer service centres overseas, and this can sometimes lead to frustration. Some companies cater specifically for residential customers which can mean that their focus is not specifically tailored to business. For further details on business telecommunications in Australia see: